June 12, 2024


Hello, Dover Families. 

This is a reminder from the Dover Area School District Transportation Department. If your student requires transportation from a Childcare provider or private babysitter within the Dover Area School District, please remember to complete the Childcare/Daycare Form for the 24/25 School Year and submit it to the Transportation Department. This form must be submitted yearly.

If you have had an address change or have a split custody arrangement with both parents living in the Dover District, please complete the Transportation Change Request Form and submit this form, along with proof of residency and/or a copy of your Custody Order, to the Transportation Department.  

These forms can be found on the District website.

No adjustments to your student’s transportation will be made without a written request.

Please complete and submit these forms to the Transportation Department by July 1, 2024. They can be found on the District Website by clicking on the Transportation Forms link in the Parent Resources Section.

If you have already completed and submitted these forms for the 24/25 School Year, you do not need to submit them again.

Please note that no changes will be made to your student’s transportation from August 5th through September 3rd for the 24/25 School Year.

Thank you.

Transportation Department