English Language Learners
Ensuring academic excellence through language acquisition instruction is our primary strategic concentration at Dover Area School District. By focusing on service alignment, an academic delivery model that is grounded in language acquisition through the application of the PA Core, PA Standards, and English Language Proficiency Standards we will ensure excellence in every classroom for each of our ELL student across our 6 schools.
At Dover Area School District, we participate with the Lincoln Intermediate Unit #12 as part of a consortium for our Title III funds that directly impact our ELL programming.
What is an English Language Learner (ELL)?
- Between the ages of 3 and 21
- Enrolled or preparing to enroll in an elementary or secondary school
- Not born in the United States or whose native language is a language other than English
- Comes from an environment where a language other than English has had a significant impact on the individual’s level of English language proficiency;
- Has difficulties in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language sufficiently so it denies the individual:
- the ability to meet the state’s proficient level of achievement on state assessments
- the ability to successfully achieve in classrooms where the language of instruction is English
- the opportunity to participate fully in society.
22 PA. Code §4.26 states: Every school district shall provide a program for each student whose dominant language is not English for the purpose of facilitating the student's achievement of English proficiency and the academic standards under § 4.12 (relating to academic standards). Programs under this section shall include appropriate bilingual-bicultural or English as a second language (ESL) instruction.
How are English Language Learners identified?
Students who meet the criteria of ELL are identified through the Home Language Survey completed at the time of enrollment.
Once identified how does an ELL student exit the program?
Once a student is identified as ELL/LEP he or she cannot exit the program until achieving FEP (Full English Proficiency) on the ACCESS for ELLs test.
What happens when a student exits the program?
Once a student passes the ACCESS test he/she will be monitored for two years. The ELL teacher will communicate with the student’s classroom teachers to check on the student’s academic progress. If needed, additional supports may be considered. Once a student exits the ELL program accommodations on standardized tests can no longer be afforded.