Communicable Disease Regulations

Guidelines for readmission of students, staff, and volunteers absent from school with infectious diseases or conditions:

  • Diphtheria: 2 weeks from the onset or until appropriate negative culture tests.
  • Measles: 4 days from the onset of rash. Exclusion may also be ordered by the Department of Health.
  • Mumps: 9 days from the onset or until the swelling goes down/subsidies.
  • Pertussis (Whooping Cough): 3 weeks from the onset or five days from the institution of appropriate antimicrobial therapy.
  • Rubella (German Measles): 4 days from the onset of rash.
  • Chickenpox: 5 days from the appearance of the first crop of vesicles or when all the lesions have dried and crusted, whichever is sooner.
  • Respiratory Streptococcal Infections: At least 10 days from the onset or 12-18 hours after the first dose of antibiotics.
  • Pink Eye: 24 hours after the start of treatment
  • Ringworm: After the first treatment, lesions must be covered.
  • Impetigo contagiosa: 24 hours after the start of treatment.
  • Scabies: After completion of appropriate treatment.