Nursing Services

The Dover Area School District’s School Health Services function per the school laws and regulations of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The primary role is to provide health care and other services which assist students in achieving their maximum level of wellness.  At DASD, we promote the optimal health of students by helping students to enable full use of the available educational opportunities. The professional school nurse provides the educational team with expertise in health, health education, and nursing care to the school community.  In addition, nurses assess student illnesses and injuries, administer medications, maintain student health and immunization records, and conduct state-mandated screenings. Annual school health screenings for students attending schools within the Commonwealth are required by the Pennsylvania School Health Code.

The following mandated state screenings will be conducted during the school year:

Screening Required Grades
Vision K-12
Hearing K-3, 7th, 11th
Height/Weight/BMI K-12
Scoliosis 6th & 7th


Parents/guardians will receive a referral for further evaluation by their health care provider if their child does not pass the vision, hearing, or scoliosis screening.  A body mass index notification letter will be mailed home on a yearly basis.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Department of Health requires dental and physical exams for the following grades and for all students new to the district:

Exam Grade Levels
Dental K, 3rd, 7th, and students new to the district.
Physical K, 6th, 11th, and students new to the district