Social Media

The Dover Area School District hosts social media sites, including External LinkFacebookExternal LinkTwitter, and External LinkYouTube. The purpose of these sites is to present matters of strategic interest in the Dover Area School District schools. They are not general public forums covering all topics. They are read by our students, staff, and other stakeholders. Please note these are moderated sites and the district manages the content of our social media sites.

If comments are posted, Dover Area School District reserves the right to delete submissions/comments that contain:

  • vulgar language;
  • personal attacks of any kind;
  • offensive comments that target or disparage any civic, ethnic, racial, or religious group;
  • do not show consideration for others’ privacy or are considered likely to offend or provoke others.

Further, the district also reserves the right to delete or not use comments that:

  • are spam or include links to other sites;
  • are clearly off topic;
  • advocate illegal activity or violence;
  • promote particular services, products, or political organizations;
  • infringe on copyrights or trademarks;
  • violates Dover Area School District’s policy;
  • defame;
  • mislead.

The comment/follow sections may be revised, turned off, or restricted.

Please see the Dover Area School District External Linkpolicies for additional rules that may apply to social media. External LinkPolicy 815 covers staff use of the Internet and electronic communications.

In addition to the guidelines and procedures set forth by the Dover Area School District, the organizations that host social media technology also have established rules and guidelines. Please review these rules and guidelines before using any social media technology.

The comments expressed on social network sites do not necessarily reflect the opinions and position of the Dover Area School District or the Dover Area School District Board of Directors. If you have any questions concerning the operation of these online moderated sites, please contact the Office of Communications.

Nondiscrimination Policy and Statement The Dover Area School District is an equal opportunity institution.  It will not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in admission to its programs, services, or activities, in access to them, in the treatment of individuals, or any aspect of its operations, including its employment practices, as required by Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504. The lack of English skills shall not be a barrier to admission or participation in the district's activities and programs. The district offers CTE programs in Business, STEM, Visual Communications, and Agriculture. For information regarding civil rights or grievance procedure, contact Dr. Troy Wiesting, Title IX Coordinator, [email protected] or 717-292-8066. For information regarding Section 504, contact Mrs. Jamie Snyder, Director of Exceptional Children,[email protected], or 717-292-3671.