School Resource Officers
January 2014, in cooperation with the Dover Area School District, the Northern York County Regional Police assigned a School Resource Officer to the school district. In August 2019, the NYCRPD and DASD reached an agreement to add a second SRO to the district. One officer has an office in the Middle School and the other officer has an office in the High School. Together they handle law enforcement duties at all Dover Area Schools. This effort has lead to a higher cooperative effort between the police department and the school district. The goal of this collaboration is to provide a safe environment for students, staff, and visitors to the school district.
In addition to having a uniformed presence in the school, the job description of the SRO also includes the following;
- Handle parking and traffic concerns
- Provide classroom instruction on a variety of topics pertaining to law enforcement
- Present educational assemblies
- Coordinate police presence at after school activities
- Investigate criminal activity
- Provide information on current trends to the NYCRPD and other law enforcement agencies
- Assist school officials in enforcing truancy and attendance