Superintendent’s Office

I am Dr. Rina Houck, and I am honored to have been appointed to serve as Acting Superintendent while continuing my role as Assistant Superintendent. My goal is to ensure a smooth transition for the district, while maintaining our dedication to the goals outlined in our mission, vision statements, and Comprehensive Plan. 

The Dover Area School District continues to work diligently to bring its mission and vision to life by aligning our curriculum, instruction, programs, and services in order to challenge and support each student. DASD faculty and staff members strive to partner with our families and community organizations to meet the needs – academic, emotional, physical, and social - of the whole child.

To that end, the District’s 2023-2026 Comprehensive Plan, which the School Board approved on August 22, 2023, includes six major goal areas and has established priorities, action plans, and action steps within each goal: Early/Elementary Literacy, Process Writing, Reading & Writing Across the Curriculum, High Standards and Expectations, Guaranteed & Viable Curriculum and Math Intervention.

Our Mission 

Educate, Empower and Inspire all students  to become contributing citizens in an ever-changing world 

Our Vision 

DASD students will achieve success by engaging in rigorous and relevant instruction, exploring a broad range of opportunities and  discovering unique pathways to a productive future through the supportive collaboration of the entire school community.

Contact Us

Nondiscrimination Policy and Statement The Dover Area School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, as required by Title IX and its regulations, including in admission and employment. Inquiries about Title IX may be referred to the Dover Area School District’s Title IX Coordinator, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, or both. The Dover Area School District’s Title IX Coordinator is Dr. Troy Wiestling, 4500 Intermediate Avenue, Dover, PA 17315, email: [email protected], phone: 717-292-8066. The district offers CTE programs in Business, STEM, Visual Communications, and Agriculture. For information regarding Section 504, contact Mrs. Jamie Snyder, Director of Exceptional Children, at [email protected], or 717-292-3671.