Superintendent Search
Please see the linked document for the latest update to the staff and community:
DOVER Report to the Staff and Community
Over the last three weeks, the Board reviewed and evaluated candid feedback received from various focus group discussions and stakeholder surveys. For those of you who participated, we express our gratitude for your time and willingness to passionately engage in this part of the process. Your input will guide us as we move forward.
We received approximately fifty applicant packages for the open position. During the last couple of weeks, the Board evaluated candidates who emerged as most qualified and met in executive session to select the initial participants for interviews. Barring scheduling conflicts, we expect to complete a series of first-round interviews within the next couple of weeks.
The superintendent search process continues to move forward, and promotional/recruiting efforts are underway. Next week, we will be having initial conversations and focus group discussions with staff members. We will also be engaging the community in the very near future. This will be followed by a survey to all stakeholders. We are encouraging all staff (and community when those meetings are set up) to attend and express their opinions. Please be looking for additional updates early next week. Have a great weekend.
The Dover Area Board of School Director
Superintendent of Schools Position
The Board of School Directors of the Dover Area SD is seeking a well-qualified leader to serve as Superintendent of Schools. The successful candidate should be willing to adopt and adapt to community values and demonstrate an approach to leadership characterized by the advancement of academic excellence, achievement, workforce alignment, adoption of core values, and the cultivation of esprit de corps. The next leader must have a strong academic background to lead a comprehensive and challenging portfolio of student and faculty programs. The successful candidate should possess:
- A record of accomplishment of educational/programmatic leadership.
- Successful experience with curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices.
- Excellent communication, collaboration, and culture-building skills.
- Consensus-building abilities to discover creative solutions among diverse perspectives.
- A demonstrated understanding of leveraging financial and human resources.
- Experience with the planning, execution, and alignment of district-wide goals.
- Ability to partner and build trust with the board of school directors.
- A record of successful development, implementation, and assessment of effective policy.
- Loyalty to and appreciation of a culture and community similar to Dover.
- Discernment to customize education trends and mandates to the needs of Dover.
- Strong executive skills to supervise, evaluate, and develop administrators.
- Ability to evaluate the school system and its academic/operational performance based on an analysis of data to identify patterns and find solutions.
- The conflict resolution skills necessary to address school issues, including disciplinary actions, public and parental concerns, staff conflicts, and operational challenges.
- Ability to operate within a budget and implement fiscal efficiencies to maximize the value of taxpayer-funded programs.
The district extends over 42 square miles and serves a community of approximately 24,000 citizens. DASD is in York County, Pennsylvania, with almost 500 employees and educates over 3,200 students in grades K-12. The district addresses our students’ needs by providing educational services in one high school (9-12), one middle school (6-8), four elementary schools (K-5), and a Virtual Academy.
How to apply
The search is facilitated by Templeton Advantage, LLC. Please email a cover letter/resume to Tom Templeton at [email protected]. After you submit your documents, please call Mr. Templeton (717) 636-3238 for a briefing. Candidates must possess or be in the process of obtaining a Pennsylvania Superintendent Letter of Eligibility. Administrative experience within an academic environment is required. The deadline for candidates to be assured of their consideration is October 18.