Dover CTE Resources
Career Information Link
- Pathway to Prosperity - One-stop shop for employment and training opportunities in York County, created by York County Economic Alliance
- My Next Move - U.S. Dept. of Labor & Industry website for career awareness and projections.
- Living Wage Data - Website to help students to calculate what earnings are needed to create a lifestyle while living in York County.
- York County Alliance for Learning (YCAL) - Career Exploration Programs for students (one-day occupation shadowing opportunities)
- Pennsylvania Career Zone - An excellent page to learn more about careers by the 16 career clusters
Post-Secondary Credits
- College Transfer - Find each program state articulations for post-secondary credits
- Penn College Dual Enrollment - College in the High School post-secondary credits
- PLTW- Engineering Credits/Scholarships: Student who take a Project Lead The Way (PLTW) course have exclusive access to a variety of recognition opportunities including scholarships, preferred admission at colleges and universities, internships, industry connections, and other avenues to highlight their achievements.
Scholarship Opportunities: