2025-2026 School Year: Kindergarten Registration ONLY
The online registration process for Kindergarten 2025-2026 is now open. The age of admission for the kindergarten program for the 2025-2026 school year will be restricted to those children who are five (5) years of age on or before August 31. The parent/guardian of kindergarten students for the 2025-2026 school year will complete the online registration process.
Our registration process begins with the online registration form system. To use the system, you must first have an active email account.
IF YOU CURRENTLY DO NOT have a Skyward account:
- Log into your Skyward Family Access portal.
- Click the down arrow to the right of the home (house) icon.
- Click New Student Registration.
Upon completion of the online registration process, the Central Registrar will contact the parent/guardian to verify all registration information that was completed online and provide all documentation required for registration, including, but not limited to, the child's birth certificate, immunization record, two proofs of the parent's/guardian's residency in Dover, one of the confirmations being a copy of a rental agreement, or a mortgage statement or property tax return with the name of the parent/guardian. If you need assistance with the registration process or questions regarding any of the required documents to complete the registration process, you may contact the Central Registrar at 717-292-3671 ext. 80113. Once the central registrar confirms enrollment is complete, your child's elementary school building secretary will contact the parent/guardian with information regarding kindergarten screening appointments and first day of school information. The evaluation dates are scheduled as follows:
- May 12, 2025 – Dover Elementary
- May 13, 2025 – North Salem Elementary
- May 14, 2025 – Weigelstown Elementary
- May 15, 2025 – Leib Elementary
Guidelines related to the kindergarten program and admission requirements have been established. Those directives are located below. It is a requirement of the Pennsylvania Department of Health that students enrolling in school must submit written proof of completed up to date immunizations. Therefore, your child will not be registered or allowed to attend school unless you have provided written proof of your child's completed and current immunizations prior to the first day of school.
Physical and dental exams may be completed up to one year prior to the date of school entry. Forms for physical and dental exams can be found on the district website.
For students currently attending the preschool program through the Lincoln Intermediate Unit or participating in drop-in therapy provided by the Lincoln Intermediate Unit, a transition coordinator from the preschool program will be in touch to schedule a transition meeting to kindergarten with the district Director of Exceptional Children in January or February to discuss individual needs. Parents of these students must still complete the registration process described above. Next additional steps, if necessary, will be determined at the transition meeting.
The following documents must be completed in order to finish the registration process. Once the files are completed, you may upload them into our online registration system or bring them with you to registration.
- Copy of custody papers (if applicable)
- Birth Certificate
- Immunization Records
- Physical and dental exams are required for KDG and can be completed up to one year before the date of the actual school entrance. *physical and dental exam forms are available on the website (scroll down, and they are located in the documents and forms folder below)
- Two forms of proof of residency of the parent(s)/legal guardian of individual(s) enrolling the student - A lease agreement or mortgage/property deed may be used to determine residency.
If you do not own the property or do not have a lease agreement, then all of the following must be done to show proof of residency:
- Notarized letter from the property owner giving permission to live at the residence or (residency affidavit). Two (2) of the following need to accompany the notarized letter or residency affidavit:
- Driver’s License/State ID showing the parent’s name and the address being used for residency.
- Paystub showing the parent’s name and the address being used for residency.
- Utility bill showing the parent’s name and the address being used for residency.
- Car Registration showing the parent’s name and the address being used for residency.
- Copy of tax return showing the parent’s name and the address being used for residency.
Minimum age for kindergarten: A child is eligible if he/she turns five (5) years old on or before August 31 of the school year in which she/he seeks admission.